Coronavirus BPESA Best Practice Guide 23 March 2020 15h00
- March 23, 2020
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a global pandemic, and now a South African reality.
We aim to assist members and stakeholders, with as much regular real-time, up to date information as possible to aid organisations to mobilise Task Teams, put contingency plans into place, and keep employees informed through this Best Practise Guide.
South Africa is not immune to the challenges COVID-19 brings as many of our sectors are vulnerable with a high concentration of people working in densely populated working areas.
As a guide, the following common practises are being advised to assist in containing further cases of the virus in South Africa.
These practices are largely those being adopted by Global Business Service (GBS) companies and are being shared to help one another to best respond by using proven practices as opposed to have to discover these for themselves.
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Coronavirus BPESA Best Practice Guide 23 March 2020 15h00