BPESA was recognised by the IAOP and Rockefeller Foundation with the award for the Top "Impact Sourcing Influencer" during the OWS22 on February 16, 2022
- February 18, 2022
BPESA was recognised by the IAOP and Rockefeller Foundation with the award for the Top "Impact Sourcing Influencer" during the OWS22 on February 16, 2022. The awards were presented by Jon Browning, CEO, Global Mentorship Initiative and Chair of IAOP's CSR & SRO Committee.
Traci Freeman (she / her), who has been a driving force behind the advocacy and adoption of Impact Sourcing in Africa, accepted the award on behalf of BPESA, our partners in Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator and the dti (Department of Trade and Industry: Republic of South Africa), our members, and all the role players who have placed Impact Sourcing at the heart of their businesses and at the heart of development and growth of the GBS Sector in South Africa.
BPESA congratulates Webhelp, who were recognised as the top "Impact Sourcing Provider", for the huge role they have played over the years in shaping up and refining the Impact Sourcing model to the extent that it has become main-stream in South Africa and for many of their clients globally.
This award, will hopefully strengthen the call to action for socially conscious leaders across the globe to create greater access for marginalised communities to the economic and social benefits of this high growth sector.
For more about the awards and to listen to the wonderful acceptance messages, go to:
#globalbusinessservices #realvalue #realimpact #thinksouthafrica #impactsourcing