IMPORTANT: COVID Risk Adjusted Strategy, alert Level 4 - Letter To all members - and stakeholders
- June 28, 2021
Dear GBS Stakeholders
South Africa is amid a 3rd wave of the COVID-19 pandemic with the infection rising at different rates across regions of the country. As expected, this has created alarm and concern amongst residents, their families and friends, and South Africa’s stakeholders who live outside of the country.
Based on the Risk Adjusted Strategy, adopted by the Government, President Ramaphosa announced today that the Alert Level would be raised to an Adjusted Level 4 for a period of 14 days from 28 June 2021 to 11 July 2021. Tighter restrictions have been implemented focussing on limiting social contact while preserving the economy and livelihoods. These restrictions target public gatherings, schooling, and the sale of alcohol, and include a curfew from 9pm to 4am; to limit social contact and reduce the demand on hospitals until we have passed the peak of this wave and have capacity in all health facilities to provide the right level of hospital care to those who need it.
We are understandably responding to many questions about the restrictions and their impact on the sector by stakeholders within and outside of South Africa. Our partners in government have drafted a joint letter (attached below) which we wish you to read and to share with your stakeholders who have concerns about these or future restrictions being implemented that will impact the sector, specifically the export segment of the sector. Hopefully it will address these concerns and provide them with the assurance that the regulations that are already in place and the sector specific protocols cater for all export work to continue without disruption, regardless of which Alert Levels, and adjustments are implemented; and only those services expressly prohibited in the Gazette (to be published) will be affected domestically, these don’t include the BPO Sector.
Should you have any queries please direct these to your regional representative or EXCO portfolio representative who will address them or get them to the person in the best position to do so.
In addition to our continued efforts to implement the workplace health and safety protocols, Government in partnership with the private sector has accelerated the roll out of vaccines and people are encouraged to get vaccinated as soon as they are eligible to do so. The combination of these efforts will expedite the opening up of our economic activity and international travel
Please click here for the letter
Thank you
Andy Searle