- November 21, 2018
BPESA, together with the dti, take pleasure in producing the international Jobs Report for the 3rd Quarter of 2018.
3,115 new international jobs were created between 1 July and 30 September 2018, which is 4,5% more than Quarter 2, keeping the rolling CAGR well above 20%. The report also shows that 11,7% of the new jobs created in Quarter 3 were hired inclusively (South Africans aged between 18 and 35 years of age; having attended a Quintile 1, 2 or 3 school or being dependent on a social grant in the family or from a household with less than R6, 000 income per month).
The Western Cape continues to lead the new job growth, followed by KZN and Gauteng with Outsource operators creating 2,183 of the jobs and Captive operators creating the balance. This brings the YTD total to 8,429 of which 10,2% were hired inclusively.
Click here for the Full Document
Congratulations to all those responsible for this tremendous growth!