GBS Sector Skills Strategy 2019-2023
- September 13, 2019
BPESA and its partners in the dti and Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator are very happy to announce the official launch of the Global Business Services Skills Strategy for 2019 – 2023. It is the product of 18 months of work by the BPESA team and more than 80 skills practitioners and professionals from across the country who used the skills forum platform to formulate the strategy.
This strategy will respond to the dual requirements of a rapidly growing export market segment and the drive to transition our workforce into the digital economy and I4.0. It is a demand led strategy that recognises the need for future skills, domain skills, and GBS specific skills across the value chain.
With many of the strategic programmes already underway, this strategy underpins our confidence to offer global operators the ideal destination for offshore service delivery with the depth and breadth of skills necessary to operate at scale while responding to ever changing customer needs and technology driven changes.