South Africa's Beacon of Hope - The GBS Sector
- September 4, 2019
South Africa's Beacon of Hope - The GBS Sector
South Africa is a dichotomy currently swamped with negativity across various aspects of our society and economy - each issue is as pressing as the next. However, there is hope in the storm, between the cracks there are opportunities and BPESA as the Trade Body and Sector Association for the GBS sector along with its social and government partners are fixated on the potential and opportunities the global business services sector (GBS) has to offer.
The GBS Sector currently employs approximately 200,000 people in the domestic market and in excess of 60,000 people in the export market – all jobs are based in South Africa. Although local domestic growth is slower than desired, the export market has seen growth in excess of 22% CAGR for the past five years with an acceleration over the past 18 months.
This growth is the result of not only a committed sector and passionate, supportive individuals across a global community, but a concerted, collective effort by business, government and social partners. The global collective are engaging in conversations on how they too can not only make an impact, but leave a legacy as result of their support.
Its’ not news that the export services in the South African economy represent some of the most addressable growth opportunities for the country and the broader African continent. Jobs created through the international business community, intentionally committing to making a difference, are great quality jobs which provide the abundance of young people – who currently make up more than 90% of the South African workforce – a stepping stone out of often dire conditions. The GBS sector is a large-scale employer of females consisting of over 60% of the employed and contributing workforce and people of colour make up 97% of this contingent. On average each employed individual supports in excess of six family or community members, over 20% of the employed individuals working within the GBS sector are Impact workers i.e. previously unemployed marginalised individuals.
The opportunity the sector offers to build skills that are in demand cross the broader South African economy allows the GBS sector to positively support the expanded economy in addressing skills needs. Jobs within the sector offer youth a depth of knowledge and skills in good quality jobs and work opportunities setting them on a trajectory for both a career and life-time of employment.
Not turning a blind eye to the dire state of events, BPESA is preoccupied on how ‘We’ as a collective global community redirect the energy and reshape the story. Engagement with local and international individuals and organisations who see the opportunity of changing the status quo through intentional partnership with the South African GBS sector to open up the multitude of opportunities on offer to allow our youth a future by tapping into the abundance of talent and skill.
BPESA along with sector partners including private, public and social are hosting an interactive learning and sharing event from the 19th – 21st November in Durban, KwaZulu Natal where we call on all local and global hero’s looking to Make an Impact… Shift a Country … and Leave a Legacy.
If you would like to play a role in shaping a new story and changing the trajectory of skilled youth in Africa, this is your opportunity.