“Futures kills brought to you by BPESA helped me to achieve 95 badges that I acquired. Many skills that prepared me for future jobs. I invested my time into this platform to obtain new skills and knowledge about the latest technology with AI and Innovative design thinking and other courses.
I didn’t pay any fee, but I paid with my time. I remember after I finished matric, I worried about where I can study IT and how I didn’t meet the requirements to study at a university but when I got to Shadow Careers, we were offered this Platform and I spent my time on it and I’m benefitting from it, and I saw a bright future for myself and everyone who went through this platform. I believe that the FSP will change a lot of lives and will create a lot of careers for our youth.
One more thing about this platform is that I can learn anywhere, anytime with internet access and I am proud about what I accomplished with through the FSP. I can even post my badges on Linked In and find the Job of my dreams.”
- Nhlantla Qajana (Lucky)